Thursday, December 01, 2005

Well it says it all!!!

By my brother...
I liked it that much I just had to post it as tribute...
I have to agree totally...


By the way listen to this (Sharon Phillips), I liked it, heard it on my favourite radio channel (FM4), and had to post it, even if it doesn't fit...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Friendship is the most powerful and great thing in this world... (well, sorry i once again sound gay)

I just had to open this post with this Photo, which I like so much because it shows Friendship in a touching way...

Title: "A body sets up a shot"

I just had to write this tribute to all my friends, we lived through all these times together and we gave us each other so great strength and for that I want to thank you all!!!

Thank you!

There are three things I always will see as the most important things in my friendships...

"You will always be my friends, even then when we haven't seen each other for a long time...
You always can expact from me Liberté - Egalité - Fraternité, and espacially the first and last...
... if you were once my friends you will always be my friends...
... You are my friends, because I know you for a so long time, and because we know each other so well, and because we went together through so many troubles!...
...You are my friends because we can have fun together and because we can talk with each other without a lot of social baricades and about a lot of interessting things, for each of us, and about our shared memories!...

And I know for my self I will never give up to be your friend, it doesn't matter what happens,... because I deeply belive, even when I don't know why I should have this opinion... I just deeply belive in...

...Friendship... ...because Friendship, can only fall in the moment of disbelive!"
--My manifesto to you!--

I had to write this after a great day with many great impressions with my Friends...
...when my friends and school collegues and I had once again fun in school and afterwards with one of our many car chases, when I afterwards read a great letter from a very good friend, when I met a good friend with his girlfriend, who told me about his new game, with great enthusiasm, and when I afterwards shortly talked with my long time best friend since the last time, two weeks ago, when I afterwards talked with my brother very free and without any normality and just had fun, and when I afterwards wrote a very reliefing E-Mail to my very good friend, about my thoughts and problems which tortured me the whole last week, and after that I talked with a nother very good friend in a astonishingly interessting and deep dialog, which I am sometimes not used too when I talk to him... I am happy I could talk to you so free, thanks... and at last I talked with a good friend, and friend of the family about his problems with his girlfriend and hopefully I could help him...

[[Edit (21:10 1.12.05, after I wrote my longest E-Mail ever (27kb pure Text), and talked with my best friend for two hours by skype, who studies in York):
Sorry for this long "Block sentence", but I was too lacy to write it in correct english, but the sentence also doesn't matter that much, so don't try to understand it, it just doesn't matter!!!]]

Well I know I once again sound gay, the old topic, but as I said just back there when I talked with the one friend in this suprising dialog, that it never disturbed me when I was called gay, because they are nice and friendly people, and also because I knew it better!!! hihihi

Well so I have to thank you all, once again I just dont find any words to describe all my gratitude... but I just say...

Thank you for everything, and all the great moments I could spend with you, you crushed borders and opened new worlds and fun...
I will always be there for you, your are my brothers and sisters!!!

My friends!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

First snowfall in my hometown!

(Shot on the way to the car of my school collegue, after school, on Tuesday the 22. Nov 05; 15:16)

Well I got one more photo. I took this one on my way home from school, while snowfall increased heavily, in my hometown
, the first time in this winter.
Well in other parts of Austria, where some of my school collegues live and where I traveld through, on the weekend, had already a thick snow layer.

Well I chose this photo from my todays way home, from school, because it has this nice snow-stormy-snapshot feel to it, and the motion of my collegue add's something interesting, maybe action or life, to the snapshot (he was shooting with snowballs).

Well I just wanted somehow to show my first snow day of this winter, enjoy my snapshot and impression of this first day!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

A nother fall impression... I like taking photos...

(This was shot on the way to school, on Fr the 28.10.05)

I like this morning scene, it has an industrial cold morning feel to it...
... but it is still
beatyful, because of the sun which tells you, there is a new great day at hand, with a lot of new great opportunities to experience life in all it's great diversity and colours, just like this dawn...

... I didn't know what to post next on my blog, so I thought why not put one more photo up...
Well I hope you like it too...

Monday, November 07, 2005

A smal text which gave me direction in my first real romantic friendship relationship, and might help you too!

I had to write this in this blog after I talked about this whole romantic friendship topic and it's flaws, with a very good friend...
... well, I don't know if it fits our discussion, but I thought it helped me, and maybe other people can read something helpfull out of it too ?!

But actually, it has almost nothing to do with that discussion, so don't bother asking yourself "What the ****! What has this with my Problem to do?"

The only Problem is, that I am right now too lazy to translate it from german into english, so I am sorry if you don't speak any german!

"Liebe ist auch nur ein Gefühl

Lieben ist nicht schwer
Vertrauen ist schwer
Zeit haben ist schwer
Sich etwas eingestehen ist schwer
Für jemanden da sein ist schwer

Jemanden sehr gut kennen zu lernen, ist schwer
Jemanden verstehen zu lernen, ist schwer
Jemanden genauso sehen können, wie er/sie ist, ist schwer
Jemanden niemals festhalten wollen, ist schwer
Jemanden geben ohne zu fordern, ist schwer
Jemanden nicht aus reinem Selbstzweck zu wollen, ist schwer
Jemanden völlige Freiheit zu lassen, ist schwer
Neben jemanden liegen, ohne sich bedrängt zu fühlen, ist schwer
Mit jemanden rummachen,
nicht des Rummachens wegen, ist schwer
Jemanden zuhören und zuhören und zuhören ist schwer
Jemanden über sich vieles Preis zu geben, ist schwer
Jemanden lange in die Augen schauen, ist schwer
Das Kribbeln im Bauch zu verlieren,
aber das Gefühl der Sicherheit zu gewinnen, ist schwer

Aber lieben, lieben ist dann so unglaublich einfach ... "

Gast (Forum-Posting, 29. Okt. 04)
Jugendinwien - sommer 2005

Dazu hab ich noch folgende Phrasen hinzugefügt:

Jemanden Zuneigung und Geborgenheit zu geben, ist schwer
Jemanden genug Zeit für sich und andere Sachen zu lassen, ist schwer
Auf jemanden warten zu können und ihn/sie nicht zu drängen, ist schwer

(1.8.05 ~03:00)

Mit jemanden reden zu können obwohl man weis, dass dadurch Probleme aufgewühlt werden, wenn man sich zB trennt, ist schwer

Möglichst schmerzlos für beide sich von einer engen Freundschaft loszulösen, und nicht die normale Freundschaft gerade durch das möglichst wenig Schmerz verursachen wollen, von vornherein mundtot und zum Scheitern zu verurteilen, ist schwer
Sich für die Freunde(/innen) des anderen zu interessieren, und so den Partner besser kennen zu lernen, ist schwer

Dem anderen die Zeit mit den Freund(/inn/)en zu lassen, und sich nicht als den einzigen möglichen Freund/in zu sehen, ist schwer

Nicht auf Freundschaften des Partners eifersüchtig sein, oder vor der Eifersucht des Partners bei einer Freundschaft mit jemanden anderen Angst zu haben, ist schwer

Dem anderen Platz lassen und nicht zu intensiv/nahe beieinander leben zu können, ist schwer

Die intensive Freundschaft aufrechterhalten zu können trotz räumlicher Entfernung, oder/und großen zeitlichen Abstände (Monate, Jahre...), ist schwer

Reden, reden, und seine tiefsten negativen und positiven Probleme und Gedanken auszusprechen und bereden zu können, ist schwer

(7.11.05 ~04:50)

Sich und den anderen durch zu viel Liebe, Sorge, Hilfe und Fragen, sowie auf den Anderen eingehen; nicht zu verlieren, und dadurch die Integrität zu nehmen, ist schwer.

Das jeder seine Integrität behält, ist schwer!

Dass du deiner Persönlichkeit treu bleibst, und für deine Gedanken und Wünsche einstehst, geradezu kämpfst, ist schwer, besonders wenn du Angst hast den Anderen zu dominieren (wenn er/sie dich dominiert, ist sowieso schon was falsch), aber im Sinne von dir und auch für den Anderen, ist das deine Pflicht, um dich und den Anderen nicht Abhängig und Notwendig zu machen!

(Danke Maria - added 23.10.2008 ~19:50 auf der UB, nach TEF1 - Comment: Wow ist das lang her, als ich das oben geschrieben habe, damals war die Welt noch so Anders, und doch war sie der Beginn und Fundament und bitter-sweetes Lehrstunde, meiner derzeitigen Realität und Identität, sowie Legitimität und Überzeugung, geradezu Glauben & Hoffnung)

Bevore I forget it, I postet a link about this whole friendship topic in my link list.
It's a very good address for fresh, new and alternative ways to handle all sorts of friendships...

For this whole topic, and the feelings of my friend, he suggested and listens to the following song, which expresses his situation very well...

"James Bunt - Goodbye My Lover"

Ich hoffe dir geht's bald besser...
(Sag bitte wenn der Blog zu persönlich ist, ich nimm gerne wieder was davon raus)

Dein Freund ... ... Bruder, Nsae
der immer da sein wird für dich! ;)

Shakatura the Phoenix of Alice!

The Phoenix

Say good evening to ...
... Shakatura the Phoenix of Alice - the upholding fire of the lost one

... Shakatura was once a part of the lost one,
thus she is the original Phoenix of the lost one, who thus lives on in every bit of Shakatura ...

... Alice - the upholder and fire of the lost one, kept the memories of the lost one and the Phoenix arose from the flames and the surviving relics of the lost one ...


An undiscribeable "Thank you!", for rescueing my Data, to you my big brother, ...
... who killed Alice, till the flames remained, and restored a big part of it from the relics, and thus awakened the Phoenix!!!

-- !!! Thank you !!! --

"Baba Yetu" & "The People are the Heroes"
Civ 4 Soundtrack

Sunday, November 06, 2005

First post, and I don't know what to write...

Well... Hi, I just started this blog, to try this whole blog thing, and already I do not know what to write about...

...anyway, here is a photo I shot near my High School, to start this blog with a nice fall impression...