Monday, November 02, 2009

Hallo-Wien: Here is the great stunning musicvideo, by Iron Snag Joe

Iron Snag Joe - Die Nacht der lebenden Toten (IRON SNAG JOE)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Inspirational (epic dream) Civilization!

Civilization IV: "In The Beginning"
(narrated by Leonard Nimoy)
[every time I am venerated, that he gave is voice for this game, for this inspiration]

Call to Power - Intro

Call to Power II - Intro

L'Epopée de Napoléon
(music: Pachelbel's Canon)

Was ist es, dass mich daran so fasziniert?!

Eine Welt zu inspirieren, durch und durch!
Sich selbst, zu einem perfekt, in sich, gegenseitig inpirierenden Canon, und Welt, Civilization; über die Form als episch herrschender, force-weilding, oder besser gesagt inspirierender galaktischer Civilization Held, hin zu eben jenen Traum und Welt, dieser gegenseitig inspirierten Civilizaiton.

Inspirierend, nicht mit Angst, oder irgend einer diskriminierenden Ideologie, von Nationalismus, bis Kommunismus, von Aristokratie, bis Fre(e-)men, von Individualismus Emanzipation, bis Grassroot Partizipation, ... etc. , oder sonst etwas das einem Legitimation, Hegemonie und Macht verschaft.
Sondern nur eine Welt zu sich selber führend, sich gegenseitig inspirierend, Tropfen für Tropfen, Schritt für Schritt, Wunder für Wunder, Tag für Tag, Jahrhundert für Jahrhundert; hin zu einem gemeinsamen, im Laufe dieses gegenseitigen Inspirierens entstehenden Traum, Vision, ja sogar Organismus und Ökosystem, weg von einengenden Konzepten, räumlich, so wie auch virtuell zeitlich.
Sondern viel mehr hin zu einem Gesamtkunstwerk, in dem jeder jeden inspiriert, und dieses Konzert und Tanz, sowie Canon und Leucht-Feuer, einer räumlichen und zeitlichen Civilizations-Malerei, spielerisch modellieren.

Einen Traum der Welt, in der alles die Großartigkeit und jeden Helden(tum) inspirierend betont.
Dort hin, möchte ich beitragen die Welt, zu einer Welt die sich gegenseitig inspiriert, als weiterer Träumer verhelfen.
Zu einer Welt als inspirierenden Helden, bestehend aus all diesen Welten, die dieser Held, diese Welt so wunderschön zusammen komponiert hat, und wir nur all die Inspiration um uns erkennen müssen.

Eine Vision(en), eine Welt(en) gestalten, gegenseitig inspirierend, modelliert, geplant, gebaut, gezeichnet, erkämpft; episch, fantastisch; egal ob in Mythen oder Wissenschaft, naiv begeistert und vertrauend liebevoll bedacht, alleine oder gemeinsam erträumt, errorisiert, erdacht, ersungen, ertanzt, erlebt! ... ...

... Held(en), Force/Power-wielder, Rollen-Schau-Spieler, Balance-Seil-Stabilitäts-Lebens-Zufriedenheits-Gleichheits-Brüderlichkeits-Freiheits-Tänzer? ...

... Ein Wahnsinn ... und doch so verständlich und inspirierend ...

Civilization, ein Traum (und Spiel), zur inspiration [d]einer Welt(en).

Civilization IV - Intro

Civilization 4 Quotes

Civilisation 4 Baba Yetu! clip (with sub-title)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life played.

Colourful; dance, smear life!
(The game!?)

Tension trailer
(made in Russia (see following video))
(The game seems also to be called "Tension", as well as "The Void" (germany), and "Turgor" in Russia)

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Is the child, the 80'ies dying? Or are we living?!!!

John Hughes (1950-2009)

Simple Minds - Don't you (forget about me) - Breakfast Club Music Video

First Michael Jackson, now John Hughes died in his fifties (born 1950), by a heartattack, at a morning walk in NY.

How are we, their empoered and inspired children, going to pass on their message, when they are gone? How are we able to translate their inspiration, feeling and style into the future?

But we are still living, their children; so they live on...
...thus it is maybe not the question HOW we are able to inspire others, it is rather THAT we inspire!
Isn't that at the core of all those movies, that WE THE CHILDREN CAN LIVE OUT OUR INSPIRATION, AND REALY MOVE SOMETHING OR SOMEONE, by our inspiration? Telling that we, each and everyone, no matter which type of becoming of age you are, no matter wich dreams you have!? That we are the ones! No matter that we are, what ever kind of, children/teenies/dreamers!?
Singing, dancing, that we can inspire, and dream!

We are the children of WEIRD SCIENCE!
(Lisa & Buck the best adults ever)

The Trailer (here)

"Their heroes and heroines, who started out feeling like misfits, were rewarded for the basic virtues of good hearts and decency. He kept them from being simply throwbacks to some romanticized earlier age by effective use of realistic teen dialogue." -- by: Daily News

"John Hughes didn’t make the smartest, wisest, most hilarious movies about American teenagers. Cameron Crowe and Amy Heckerling did. He didn’t make the sexiest. Those would be Francis Ford Coppola’s “Rumble Fish” and “The Outsiders.” He didn't make the drunkest and druggiest as Richard Linklater did with "Dazed and Confused." He made neither the most feeling (I like either “American Graffiti” or “Valley Girl” for that) nor the most volcanic (see “Rebel without a Cause”).

Without saying anything new or even necessarily true (“It’s so hard being cute, white, middle- American, and middle-class”), he changed a segment of the movies by giving us aspirational emotional archetypes. Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy, Jon Cryer, Anthony Michael Hall, Judd Nelson, Charlie Sheen, Matthew Broderick.

Speaking conventionally, they weren’t stars. Their attitudes were. Nobody wanted to be those actors per se, they wanted to be what those actors felt.

Few directors made glibness seem as urgent as Hughes did. He sanded away the edges of lust, angst, and rebellion until what remained were anodyne anthems for the MTV era. He didn’t invent the movie soundtrack. He was just the first director to perfect it visually. Classic and original pop songs became the life force of a new mainstream moviemaking: the American musical as long-form music video. These movies made you want to dance to them, and the songs were where most of the soul came from [...]" -- by:

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Ferris Bueller

More links:
The Brat Pack
=> Not the generations before Rat Pack,
or the next generation (more actor centered comedy) Frat Pack.
The Guardian

Theme ("Somewhere in my memory") of Home Alone (John Williams).

(like a Blues Brother)
One person who we should not forget here, is John Candy (1950-1994), one great person, of us children, who also is gone too soon, and who also timelessly inspired us, and filled our life with style and joy.
Thank you Uncle Buck, your children live, dream, enjoy and inspire on!

Children! Dream and inspire on!!!

Danke Brudi, you are, will and always have been this kind of inspiration, guide, hero and brother for me, embodying this spirits and styles of the 80'ies and inspiring, empowering childhood!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

The Dreamers world of Science & Fantasy, comeing now together, dreaming up each other! The art of the hero, the comic(s,) multiverses!

Great merging of fantasy love & reason and science!
Animated Comics.

... +plus some music, as the synergy of science and fantasy!

(listen to it & purchase, here)

Says everything, rigth to the point, why I composed this blog entry:
"Kid is about all the fantasies I've had since I was a little kid. Wanting to dance like Michael Jackson, driving a Ferrari at night as fast as I can, even flying above the city. I like to close my eyes and daydream and that is what I write my music about."-Kid (Vienna, 2009)

A local (Centrope) creative, music sharing and distribution platform.
(more creative stuff)

...+once again, also some of the shared inspiring, veiled spirit, home, heart, and shared love & dream(s).
My only true King, Messiah, greatest HERO:

Michael Jackson Best of Dangerous Di Kuala Lumpur
(the most magnificent mix and performence I have seen from him!)

Michael jackson history

(more paprika?)

(Kino wie noch nie)

"For new interpretations, words and thus vocabulary, how to tell stories, and explain, experiance, and ultimately play the world!"
(here more about myth (Joseph Campbell) [loveing it (it, too)])

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Water - Life³ - Love³ - 80'ies Magic

Know death, and you will know birth!


Know how to live, and you will know how to die, at last!

The first is the awareness, the second is the style, the process, the way, the action,...
....which stands above the knowledge...
Never forget, death is the error of the error,... life!
Death is only (but though too seldom), the knowledge of that fact!
So forget it, errorise it, because it is only one error, of two, of the error, of life!
Because Birth is the other error, so be able to forget, to errorise.
Because: We know death!
So beat it! Freak out! and...


Love³ and have faith!
So dance, paint/draw, celebrate life; and live the magic, of both!

Friday, June 26, 2009

A hymne to life! My personal King and messiah! Michael is a style! For the love of life!

Gone home, into the heavens!

The Kings coronation!

His message!

We love (,life,) to be not normal!
(Against what everyone else thinks!)

The King of Pop, the messiah, who will heal the world, when I will be a child.
The messiah to the love for this world, like a child!
Has gone home, to the heavens, where he will watch over us, as the king of the joy for life, while we spread his joy, stile and love; his legacy!
Our mothers generations legacy, brother!
Our Love for life!

This is what it is to be a child of this generation! That is the message, the legacy, I want to scream out, dedicate to you and this world, and its joy in life!:...
Thank you, to all of you, now let's goof around and enjoy it!

Michael Jackson's Food Fight... :D
"We are pranksters."

Michael Jackson dancing in the car

Michaels Jackson and Jordan Dancing

Michael Jackson Interviews at home

Janet talks about Michael (you must listen to his FAMILY)

Michael Jackson goes shopping - private home video

Michael Jackson-Entertainer Of The Year Award 1993 Part 1/2

Jackson 5 Home Video on Soul Train

Michael Jackson - Grammy Legend (2 of 2)

THATS THE MESSAGE(see the beginning of the video!)!!!
That is the true core, of love!

Michael Jackson Home Videos with his children

...Them! Too precious, too fragile, for this world?...
No!!! Rather the exact right thing, for this world!
No matter which (hi(s)-)story, fate and destiny.
Each one has value and dignity, timelessly.
We play all together, in one game of dignities, telling each of us, ones story, and thus understanding, each ones own mirror, dark/heavy and light!
Thus, a thunderstorm of joy and love will be unleashed, by us present, past and future, precious children!

When you hear HIS/her/their/its/your,... OUR, VOICE!!!
Dont listen to the deadly media, instead listen to this voice!
It may just be one voice, but one which has and will change the world, and will echo through space and time, for all the other unheard, and still to be heared voices, of US!

Michael Jackson - They Don't Really Care About Us. HQ

"We are going to change the world!"
(Film by George Lucas)

The World Sucks: Help it Suck Less

DANCE - Celebrate
Thats the way to live the funeral, and memorial ("service")!!!

Michael Jackson Sweden Dances To MJ In The Streets!

People dance and sing Michael Jackson songs as they gather in front of the Apollo Theater in the Harlem section of New York and his childhood home in Gary, Ind
"Dedrick Weathersby, from Longview Texas dances on thursday, dedicated to Michael Jackson, outside of Hitsville U.SA the Motown-Museum in Detroit"

...!Be inspired!...
...!Thank you!...

Saturday, April 04, 2009