Sunday, April 20, 2008

Well, well, well, I hate-love the internet & criticism!

So, this world is a too complex world to understand, but it always surprises how beautiful it is, in all its chaos.

So one of my blogs more serious readers, which I do not personally know (and those are few), raised my attention, and showed me some new ways to look in a critic way on to the world.
With some things I cannot fully agree, and some I can, but that is the great thing about this chaotic world, you can find a common ground, but never be completely the same.
So here is the link to one of her blog entries, rethink your critic view on the world, and judge yourself... (here)

For that matter, enjoy this American comedian, which I discovered, also though that blog (great critic):

"George carlin nails it"
"George carlin on critical thinking, wage labor, politicians and their pockets, etc...."

The funniest thing about the whole blog entry of her is, that I didn't know of that day, some few days ago, and I liked the idea... and then some days afterwards, I already get some critics, from some Indian fellow student.
That’s the way of the internet, and communication of as many views on reality as possible!

1 comment:

Nsae Comp said...

Antwort auf eine Mail, bezüglich dieses Blog Eintrags.
"Ich auch nicht, aber ich mag allgemein Kritik, somit hab ich meinen eigenen Schluss daraus gezogen, und hab halt ihren Blog inspirierend gefunden, wieder aus der Perspektive, dass Kritik immer gut ist, genauso wie der amerikanische Satiriker, auch wenn man gar nicht einer meinung ist, solange man konstruktiv kritisiert... und wie gesagt, nicht ignorant oder fanatisch ist.

Der Satiriker, ist weniger witzig, sondern ich würde es erfrischend nennen, das ganze umständliche Denken beiseite räumend..."